Wilson's History includes the following detailed biography of the Montgomery family [pages 150-151]:
William Montgomery, father of John J. Montgomery, and Grand-father of John William Montgomery, present Prosecuting Attorney, of Hickory county, was born in N.C., Aug. 17, 1797, and his wife, Nancy Ballou-Montgomery, was born in Apr. 1800. William Montgomery and his son, John J., went to the state of California in 1850, and William died there Oct. 8, 1853. Nancy, his wife, died in Dallas county, Mo., Feb. 23, 1854. William Montgomery came to Missouri from Tennessee, and settled on the Gasconade river in what is now Pulaski county, Mo., in 1817, and moved to what is now Camden county, on Little Niangua, about two miles East of what is now the Northeast corner of Hickory county, in 1829, and settled what was known several years ago as the Hugh Allison-Drenon place, about four miles below where Fritz Muller now owns a large tract of land. In 1829 or 1830, John Stark settled near the mouth of Stark creek and Reason Jones settled what was once known as the James P. Huffman place, in the Niangua bottom, now a part of the Fritz Muller tract of land, about 1834. Wash Jones settled the Elias Cook old place in 1830, in Section 24, Township 37, Range 20, and included in his claim some of the John Mabary land, now owned by John Newton Mabary. William Montgomery moved with his family in 1831, to the farm now owned by John J. Montgomery, on Little Niangua, about one mile East of the Southeast corner of Section 36, Township 37, Range 20, and his son, John J., has resided there except for about four years, he was in California, and a few years he was in Texas, until about three years ago, when he came to live with his son in Hermitage. In 1831, Joseph Hayes, who came from N.C., with William Montgomery, lived on what is now the John M. Pippin place in Section 31, Township 37, Range 19. Judge Mitchell Ross settled on Niangua below the Pippin place in 1832. Joseph Hayes was the father of Geo, W. Hayes, who married Nancy Lindsey, and died about 1875, on a farm on Little Niangua about a mile above Almon. Wash Young settled the place where Geo. W. Hayes died in the early 30's. In 1838-39, William Montgomery settled a place further South than his farm on Little Niangua. It was on "Four mile prairie." He moved to it in 1840, and it was from there that he went to California. Uncle John J. Montgomery recites some amusing stories of early days in Missouri. In 1833, one of William Montgomery's daughters, Elizabeth Ann, was visiting with friends and relatives down near where the family had first settled on Gasconade river, and became engaged to marry a young man named John West. There was some difficulty down there, about consent of the parent, William Montgomery, or a Minister or Justice of the Peace to solemnize the marriage, so they with several friends set out on horseback and came up to where the parents lived. There was no trouble about the consent, but there was no Minister or Justice of the Peace, over there on Little Niangua, so they sent over into Benton (now Hickory) county, to get a Justice of the Peace, but the difficulty was not yet settled, for the Justice of the Peace, when he came did not think that he was authorized to marry people outside of Benton county, and the bride and groom and friends and relatives came over into Benton county, as far as the farm recently owned by William C. Pippin, on what is called the "Pippin hollow," and on the Pippin old farm, under a large white oak tree, among the woods and tall grass, John West and Elizabeth Ann Montgomery, were joined together in matrimony, by the Benton county "Squire," whose name was Riddle, in his own county. Jonathan Dennis and family lived on that hollow at the time. The married couple went back down into the Gasconade country, but moved back in a year or two, near William Montgomery's place.
The children of William and Nancy Ballou-Montgomery were: Robert Carroll, John J., (now living in Hermitage,) David M., Thomas J. B., Elizabeth Ann (West,) Ruth Amina (Jones,) Margaret Evaline (Davis,) Charity Caroline (Pointer,) Nancy Emeline (Lakey.)
The Montgomery Family of Hickory County
William Montgomery, b. Aug. 17, 1797, North Carolina; d. Oct. 8, 1853, California
married Nancy Ballou, b. April 1, 1800; d. Feb. 23, 1854
1. Robert Carroll
2. John Jones, b. May 28 [May 22?], 1826; d. Dec. 2, 1911
married Dec. 11, 1856 to Julia Webster Clark, b. Dec. 12, 1836; d. June 29, 1903
children: 1. John William, b. Oct. 12, 1857, d. May 19, 1923 [buried Hermitage Cemetery]
married Aug. 23, 1883 to Julia Elizabeth Gatewood, b. July 20, 1864; d. June 18, 1946 [buried Hermitage Cemetery]
children: 1. Mont Webster, b. May 26, 1884; d. Jan. 8, 1900 [buried Hermitage Cemetery]
2. Rachel Gatewood, b. Aug. 22, 1885; married Ray Glasby
3. Ressie Ellen, b. Nov. 2, 1887, Hermitage; d. Nov. 15, 1978, Detroit, MI
married Elbert L. Andrews, b. Oct. 7, 1886; d. 1980
4. Flossie
5. Rae
6. Julia
2. Gilford Waldo, b. Apr. 17, 1861
3. Alley Virginia, b. Sept. 2, 1869 [married ___ TUCKER; living in Idaho in 1911]
3. David M.
4. Thomas J. B.
5. Elizabeth Ann, married John West [moved to Pulaski Co., MO]
6. Ruth Amina, married ____ Jones
7. Margaret Evaline, married ____ Davis
8. Charity Caroline, married ____ Pointer
9. Nancy Emeline, married ____ Lakey
Note: Text like this provided by Janis Parks.
Judge J. W. Montgomery (back left with hat in hand) and cronies at the courthouse in Hermitage.
Excerpt from "The Index" - Hermitage, Hickory County, Missouri, May 24, 1923, page 3:
Judge Montgomery Passes Away.
John William Montgomery died at his home in this city last Saturday May 19th, 1923, at about 1:00 p.m. Judge Montgomery was a son of John J., and Julia W. Clark-Montgomery, was born Oct. 12th in the year 1857. He came to Hermitage in the spring of 1891 and was licensed to practice law at May term circuit court of that year, made arrangements to have his home here and removed his family to Hermitage in August of the same year. He was married to Julia Elizabeth Gatewood at Bolivar, Aug. 23rd 1883 who survives him. Children born to this union are Mrs. Ray Glasby, Huntington, Oregon, Mrs. Ressie Andrews, Springfield, Mo., who are here at present, Mrs. Flossie Bales and Mrs. Jessie Hammer, who reside at Caldwell, Idaho, and Miss Julia Bill. Mont, a son aged 16 died in the year 1900 and an infant daughter, Marie, died in 1897. He had served the people of this county in different official positions and was widely known in this section of the state. Judge Montgomery had been in ill health for near five years and the past year had been a great sufferer, but bore his affliction with patience. He was converted at a meeting in Sedalia, Missouri, conducted by Judge Ben Alton years ago, and often remarked to friends who called that he was ready to meet his final summons. His funeral was conducted by Rev. G. W. Britton at the Methodist church Sunday at 2 o'clock after which members of the Masonic Fraternity of Wheatland, Urbana and Hermitage Lodges and the large gathering of people who came together to witness the last tribute of respect to be paid one who had for years been held in high esteem as public man and Christian gentleman.
Elbert L. Andrews
(looks like a race track
in the background?).
Elbert L. Andrews in 1911.
Born and raised in Hermitage,
Hickory County, Missouri.
Julia Elizabeth (Gatewood) Montgomery,
wife of Judge John William Montgomery
Elbert and Ressie (Montgomery) Andrews
ca. 1954-55
Note that Ressie is wearing her father's watch fob
as a pendant on her necklace. A close-up of the
medallion is shown below. This Knights Templar
medallion has been passed down through four
generations now.
All photos and much of the information on this page were provided by Janis Parks, great-granddaughter of J. W. and Julia Montgomery.
Page created by Ginny Sharp, May 2005.
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