Hickory County Historical Society
The Hickory County Historical Society operates a Museum and Research Room in the John Siddles Williams House on Museum Street in Hermitage, MO. With the help of donations and proceeds from fundraisers and grants, the Society is restoring the building and sharing the numerous Hickory County artifacts which have been donated by current and former county residents.
building housing the museum has been on the National Register of Historic Places
since 1980.
2011 Open Houses are scheduled for May 28, July 2, and September 3 from 10 am until 4 pm. The Holiday Open House on Dec. 17th will be from 1-4 pm.
Regular meetings of the Historical Society are the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 1 p.m. either at the Hickory County Library (Jan-March) or at the Museum. See the complete 2009 HCHS event calendar here.
If you're interested in visiting at times other than the scheduled open times, please make arrangements with one of the following people:
Ginger (417) 745-2005
Dana (417) 745-6716
Harold (417) 993-0041
The Hickory County Historical Society was organized in 1950. In addition to maintaining the museum and research center, they have also published several reference books on Hickory County history and genealogy. A new and expanded (including some cemeteries in neighboring counties) Cemetery Directory of Hickory County, Missouri [Revised Edition] was published in 2005 by the Greene County Archives & Records Center. It can be purchased for $25.00 at the Hickory County Museum, the Hickory County Library, or The Index office in Hermitage. For mail orders, please send a check for $30.00 to Hickory County Historical Society, P. O. Box 248, Hermitage, MO 65668.
Hickory County Marriage Records, 1872-1945, is now available in printed form. There are a limited number of books available for $40 + shipping. Contact Ginger Donohue, ashrynat@yahoo.com, if you'd like a copy.
These same records are also available on CD. The CD contains 8 separate files in MS Word format, one for each of the county's extant marriage books. It is available for $18 ($15 going to the Historical Society) from Ginger Donohue, ashrynat@yahoo.com, or R 2 Box 2095A, Hermitage, MO 65668-9524.
Sign visible westbound on US 54, just west of the Log cabin and well adjacent to Museum.
Rte. 254 turn-off. Note that the sign is set back
from the highway.
Page created by Ginny Sharp, July 2005; last updated April 2011.
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